Ludic Society Magazine #3
Editors: Jahrmann/ Moswitzer
(Plymouth, UK)
Plymouth Zurich 2007. ISBN 3-902389-01-X
issue #3 plymouth superbird
"Whoa, fellas, fellas. I know my tags are outta date, but damn!" Tej,2Fast2Furious
Text? issue #3

Ludic Society Magazine Xtra issue!

The Ludic Society presents and releases an Xtra issue of the LS magazine on Judgement Day (24th March 07) at the Plymouth Pit Stop. With texts by, Olli Leino, Ken Wark, Kristian Lukits, Daphne Dragona, Chris Speed, D.Carmen Rusch, P.M. Ong, Roy Ascott, M. Charmante, M. Griefer Moswitzer a.o. LS members.

'We sell Play - no Games!'
(Ludic Society)

$ludic->sell (
( for LS)

A shop in Plymouth becomes a sweatshop, where the ludic magazine is sold for “real” Lindendollars. The “difference that makes the difference” (Bateson) is to feel the toy implant under Your skin. Buy the implant off the shelve! The Ludic Society magazine Xtra issue is also presented by declarations of some members at the "evening of the Ludic Society", 12th April Rotterdam.

The Xtra issues topic is Real Players in Real Cities: a “Real Play” is played in 1st Life, the Reality Engine! A Real Play is designed in this best game engine available. Such a play constitutes as contingency game concept. It appears as classifiable in the genre of computer games, although rendered in the full city reality. Adhering to mercurial thievishness (=to steal from computer games) as a massively Real Player authenticator obviously constitutes the first constraint of the distinct level of Real Plays that is hereby entered. Real Play was introduced by the Ludic Society as an ouvroir (=garage) for the unexpected, for contingency and imaginative solutions.