play communication! reengineered rules: reverse gear race in a plymouth around the plymouth centre! contact
e-mail: play [at] konsum [dot] net
Margarete Jahrmann, Max Moswitzer (founders)
Deep respect for the joyfull collaboration in the gameplay development to Rene Bauer, Ghack and for participation in the DEAF play to Olli Leino and Doris Rusch and Nikolaus König, F.E. Rakuschan, Michael Punt and Martha Blassnig beside numerous others. Special Thanks to DEAF07 and V2_lab, especially Stephen Kovac, for the realisation of the "Evening of the Ludic Society". Tagged City Play was commissioned by Social Hacking 2007 Special Thanks to i-dat, University of Plymouth, UK and to Billy, Steve and the other car owners of Route 38 Car Club.
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