"Playing for souls. No blood, no guts, no gore
- emotionally full games." Christian Game Dev. Association, 2005

Play OBJECTS - nouveaux objets célibataires
Expérience PCB boards as “objet de jeu, de vie et d'art” stand for emotionally charged game (re)search. The parenthetically Fibonacci spiraled layouts of most of their conducting paths become a design element, an aesthetic merit, and cause potential glitches, which are merely empowered by flexible resistors, which can be played like a guitar! The play (=on stage as band) is a play in the living machine. Cul-de-sac, the dead end street can be exited by destroying laptop-music, as neo-luddite in an lud/dic act, by literally smashing the laptop instead of the guitar as stage performance. The live demonstration of rolling the potentiometer soldered with hot air on the self-etched circuit board allegorises the ride on the monowheel. The stage tool is still a chindogu (useless object), but starts to work more célibataire, acts more self-sufficient, rotates like a millwheel for music and makes the socialite even more attractive when playing with it. These are objets célibataires, sisters are doing it for themselves!
In “the logics of the imaginative” Roger Caillois (1973) suggests the mollusc as soft conception model, which is obviously an adequate frame of expérience for the hereby proposed proceedings of ludics (Ludistik). The mollusc mood styled smooth new objets célibataires trigger electronic and ´pataphysic poetic glitches, as a followup series of the ludic society gamebased search artifacts of “GoApe-Chindogus”. Here glitch designed means that the processing drawings for the printed circuits boards are curved, twisted, twirled and spiraled, which is chique but abandoned in standard circuit board design, exactly because of possible electronic errors, called glitches for short. The spiral was not only the badge of Boris Vian, also on stage in Projex Pere Ubu concerts and at Oulipo meetings, it is also the PC layout for the LS objects referred to. The nouvelle societé ludique is identified by the tin-plated circuit monowheel batch. If put on stage, it activates the Real Game and hands it over to each of us - the Real Players!
Nouveaux exercices de style, the new lessons in freestyle gaming are provided by the play of the new series of objets célibataires on stage as the climax of their use. Gaming that takes place in the banlieue as a strategy to appropriate the architecture of urban life is an example of this attitude. If style is an attitude (Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffanys, 1961) then this can be claimed for the uninsured strolling workers and painters at the construction of the Brooklyn Bridge (which was once considered as one of the technical wonders of the potency of engineers), who were risking their life forced by monetary and survival demands, but presented and mediated as proud players, real gamers with nothing to lose, who enjoy the work and their exploitation and develop a competitive sport out of it by hanging in the wires of the bridge, as skywalkers without any safety net. Following Roger Caillois' game classifications again, the competition is one of the oldest and most fundamental types of play. Ilinx, getting ill by the bodily experience, is the second fundamental one, and both types can be applied to the real gamers on the Brooklyn Bridge, to the le-parkour jumpers in the banlieues, to the car burners in the streets of Paris, Rotterdam, North Germany and GTA San Andreas.