develop your own language! coin new terms! test and describe new concepts! Ludic Jargon File
an emerging ludic jargon.
As the
language is an important constitutive element for any thinking shool or research group as well as in game scenes , we provide a growing glossary of arts and game relevant terminology, including newly coined terms , evolving out of the ludic society discourses.
ludic studies
The research methodologies in ludic studies is anticipative, all writers are active in game design and arts and defining their art works as games investigation request. These methodologies and formats consist of a series of art games and installations in real world sites.
real gaming
The concept of the ludic society net is beside serious networking real gaming. This term coined by P.M. Ong is referring to the transgressing of defintion of paly and game per se as mission statemenbt of the society.
real gaming
The concept of the ludic society net is beside serious networking real gaming. This term coined by P.M. Ong is referring to the transgressing of defintion of paly and game per se as mission statemenbt of the society.
Real player
panel game
As the society is a game concept in itself, which refers to the tradition of academic thinking schools, as introduced with the T. Kuhn ideas about the structure of scientific revolution or on interdisciplinarity as historical model as demonstrated on the Macy conferences on early cybernetics or within the Wiener Kreis around thinkers as Wittgenstein, Carnap and Schlick. So we suggest as format for symposions a game setup. The rules and speaking time as well as the projection of media materials out of the ludic societies work archive is generated by a "panel game" using specifically for this purpose developed "enlightenment and mass deception" hardware interfaces.
game counter strikes
Beside the thinkingschool discourses of narratology and ludology the ludic approach is double binded in the subversive manner of counter strategies coming out of conceptual and constructivist arts practices. The discussion does not go directly into the gamestudies strains, the discourse that never took place is here this of derive and detournement of the modding cultures and total conversion as basis for experimental setups posted in the arts context. The content is defined by contributors coming from the arts field, from netliterature and architecture.
critical gamearts
A increasing number of freely associated artists, practitioners, theorists, researchers and developers is focusing the practical and theoretical work on the investigation of games as phenomenon and epistemic thing, specifically on games and arts as structural coupling.
serious games
conceptions, experiences, purposes, and contexts of Ôserious playÕ as a connective link between game design and game research.
ergodic literatur
magic circle
glitch (disambiguation)
In video games, a glitch is a term used by players to indicate a bug or programming error of some sort. It may refer to either a helpful or harmful error, but never an intended behavior. For example, a programming error that makes the game freeze is often referred to as a glitch, and so is an error that gives you 100 lives automatically. However, some glitches' occurrence has been discovered and described by doing certain tasks in a certain order. For example, the Missingno and Glitch City glitches in the PokŽmon series follow this principle.
1: Glitch as an aesthetical direction in electronic art: an aesthetic that consciously uses and amplifies "errors" and "noise" in the realization of an artwork. 2: Glitch as an element in the creative process, where unexpected conflicts between hard- and software and people play an important part in generating the work itself. Here the Glitch is a driving force in the interplay of humans and machines, while the results fluctuate in a continuous temporal state of change, which may be adjusted or radically altered underway. speedrun
time attack